Unveiling the Enchantress: Lady Almarie Morrell and Her Exquisite Decorative Masks for Balls


Unveiling the Enchantress: Lady Almarie Morrell and Her Exquisite Decorative Masks for Balls

Unveiling the Enchantress: Lady “M” 3D DIYs

In the heart of Statesboro Georgia, the enchanting world of decorative masks comes alive through the artistry of Lady “M”, Her exquisite creations have become synonymous with elegance, charm, and a celebration of diverse cultures. With a lifelong passion for African head wraps, Venetian ball masks, and a deep love for Mardi Gras, and Jamaican Day Parade. Lady”M” journey from New York to Georgia has brought a new dimension to the world of decorative and culture styling to 3d Mask designs

A Childhood of Inspiration

Lady “M’s love affair with decorative and cultural designs  began in her childhood. Growing up in New York City, she was surrounded by the vibrancy of cultural diversity. Her fascination with African head wraps, with their intricate patterns and vibrant colors, provided the initial spark of inspiration. The allure of Venetian ball masks, with their mystique and elegance, further captivated her imagination. 

As a child, she would spend hours immersed in the world of art and design, experimenting with fabrics, colors, and patterns. This early exploration laid the foundation for what would later become her life’s passion.

 The Magic of Mardi Gras 

Lady “M”s enchantment with the flamboyant festivities of  extravagant costumes, elaborate masks, and exuberant spirit of New Orleans’ carnival celebration and yearly celebration of The Jamaican Day Parades left an indelible mark on her artistic soul. Mardi Gras became not just a celebration but a wellspring of creative inspiration. 

The Move to Statesboro, and a New Beginning

In 2020, Lady “M” made a life-changing decision to relocate to Statesboro, Georgia. This move marked a significant turning point in her artistic journey. In the midst of a global pandemic, she combined her personal faith and knowledge of the arts, she felt she was led to create unique one-of-a-kind pieces. It was here that she decided to embark on a new chapter, dedicating herself to the art of designing exquisite decorative masks. 

A Portfolio of Distinction

Lady Almarie’s masks are a testament to her dedication and artistic prowess. Her work has graced the walls of various establishments in Statesboro, making her a celebrated artist in the local community. Some of the places where her creations have been on display include: 

Statesboro Regional Art Association (2023):

Lady “M”s masks adorned the walls of this esteemed art association, captivating visitors with their intricate designs and vibrant colors. Located in the lobby at the newly renovated Chamber of Commerce in Statesboro GA: showcasing her masks as a testament to the city’s thriving arts scene. 

Wells Fargo Office on Main Street:

The corporate world was not immune to the allure of Lady “M”s masks, as they graced the lobby of the Wells Fargo Office on Main Street, adding a touch of elegance to the workplace. 

Sugar Magnolia Bakery:

Even a bakery became a canvas for her artistry, with her masks adorning the walls of the Sugar Magnolia Bakery, adding a dash of creativity to the sweetness within.

City Hall Statesboro, GA:

Lady “M”’s masks were in plain view, as they adorned the lobby of City Hall, serving as a symbol of the city’s rich artistic heritage. 

Kor Credit Union on Main Street:

The Kor Credit Union on Main Street showcased her masks, offering a visual treat to its members while conducting their financial affairs.

Morris Bank on Main Street:

Even the world of banking embraced her art, with her masks adorning the lobby of Morris Bank on Main Street, bridging the gap between finance and creativity.

Teaching and Sharing the Magic 

Beyond creating enchanting masks, Lady “M” is passionate about sharing her knowledge and skills with others. She teaches classes at the Action Pact Seniors Center in Statesboro, imparting the art of creative painting and mask-making to eager learners and passing on her legacy to future generations. 

In the heart of Statesboro, Lady Almarie “M” continues to weave her magic through the art of decorative masks. Her journey from New York to Statesboro has not only added a touch of elegance to the city’s artistic landscape but has also inspired countless individuals to embrace the beauty of diverse cultures through the enchanting world of masks. Her legacy is not just in the masks she creates but also in the creativity and joy she brings to those who experience her art. Lady “M” is, indeed, an enchantress whose artistry knows no bounds. Her masks are not mere accessories; they are windows into a world where cultures converge, where colors and patterns tell stories, and where the magic of Mardi Gras meets the elegance of Venetian balls. Lady “M”s decorative masks are a testament to the enduring power of art to transcend boundaries and captivate the human spirit, one exquisite creation at a time.

The Sum Of Her Creation

Lady “M” is a talented artist who has had a fascinating journey in the world of design. Before she became an artist, she was a dress designer, known for her exquisite creations. However, her passion for art led her to explore new avenues, incorporating the beauty and style of Jamaica and the West Indies. She discovered the vibrant and rich culture of the region, which greatly influenced her artistic style. Inspired by the colorful and diverse parades she witnessed in Brooklyn, Lady “M” began incorporating African prints into her artwork. These prints, with their bold patterns and vibrant colors, became the foundation of her artistic expression.

For Lady “M,” creating art is not just a hobby; it is a spiritual experience. She believes that her artistic talent is a gift from God, and when she immerses herself in her work, she feels a deep sense of peace and fulfillment. Art, for her, is a form of therapy, a way to connect with her inner self and communicate with a higher power.

Lady “M’s” artwork will be showcased at:

the 3rd floor Averitt Center for the Arts art gallery in Statesboro

from November until the end of December 2023.

This exhibition will provide an opportunity for art enthusiasts to witness the beauty and depth of her creations. Through her use of African prints and her unique artistic vision, Lady “M” invites viewers to experience the therapeutic power of art and to appreciate the divine inspiration behind her work.


  • Photography  by Dawn Flaherty

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